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Trouble in Paradise: Maldivian Political Crisis
Earlier this month, the political crisis in the small island nation of the Maldives deepened when tensions arose…
Wannabe Commander-in-Chief: Trump is Failing U.S.…
This past July, President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump were invited by French President Emmanuel…
The Nile Dispute in Ethiopia’s State of Emergency
With one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, Ethiopia was on track to construct the largest…
The Stock Market Correction One Month Later: What it…
For those familiar with market-related news and analysis, there is no doubt that investors have had a lot to…
Post-Zuma Challenges: What’s Next?
"The biggest mistake we ever made in the ANC was to make Zuma president."
Overtaken by corruption affairs and…
Canada at the CSW: Progress and Challenges in Gender…
Since Justin Trudeau and his Liberals’ triumphant victory in the 2015 Canadian federal election, there has been a…
Second-Class Schools for Canada’s Indigenous Youth
In Attawapiskat, an Indigenous reserve in Northern Ontario, the Cree community spent more than a decade fighting…
The Benefits of the Colombian Peace Agreement So Far
Featured Image: President Juan Manuel Santos and FARC leader Rodrigo Londoño during the ceremony of the…
Gendered Expectations: A First Lady’s Handbook
When reports of U. S. President Donald Trump’s alleged affair with porn star Stormy Daniels first surfaced, all…
The Space of the Islamic State
ISIL is one of the first terrorist groups to proclaim itself a state and has in many ways been defined by its…
Kenya’s Backslide Into Authoritarianism
In August, Kenyans went to the polls to elect their president and parliament. The election, set to be a race…
A Brief History of Angola’s Troubles With the IMF
Like many developing countries, Angola has a complicated relationship with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).…