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What Happened Then and What It Means Now: An Evening…
The crowd was buzzing with anticipation after comedian Andre Philippe Gagnon had finished his act. People were…
The Controversy of Used Clothing: East African-US Trade…
On October 12th the New York Times brought the discussion of second hand clothing in East Africa to the mainstream.…
Nil Yalter’s Art and the Refugee Crisis in Turkey
Nil Yalter is hardly a new name in the world of contemporary art; from issues of feminism to immigration,…
Land of the Twilight Sun
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe won a resounding electoral victory on October 22nd, with his Liberal Democratic Party…
Through the Kaleidoscope of The Prince: An Inquiry of…
With “Dodgy Dave” (David Cameron) out of the spotlight after the unexpected result of the Brexit referendum…
Angolan Media: The Propaganda Machine
Despite the fact that "freedom of the press" is loosely protected in the Angolan Constitution, the former…
Tumaco Massacre: A Red Alert Threatening the Colombian…
On October 5, 2017, police allegedly assassinated at least 8 people and left at least 20 wounded in a massacre in…
Le Maigre Arsenal des Travailleurs Belges
“Il n’y a pas de raison que le droit de grève soit supérieur à la liberté de travailler” : c’est ce qu’a déclaré le…
Doublethink: While Puerto Rico Collapses, Trump Tweets…
In the few days following Hurricane Maria’s catastrophic landfall in Puerto Rico, US news media were dominated by…
Québec’s Emerging Far-Right
La Meute, Les Soldats d'Odin, Atalante: These small but highly centralized far-right groups are slowly…
Gun Laws in America: A Change Needs to Occur
The Las Vegas mass shooting—the worst mass shooting in recent American history—has incited much controversy on…
Spain’s Overreaction to the Catalan Referendum
As the political tensions and constitutional conflict between Catalonia and the Spanish government continue to…