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Enough Hand Wringing: Solutions for the Gender Imbalance…
During the Congressional debate over the July 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and the United States, Suzanne…
Queer Ancestors: Bequeathing Stories to Fractured…
“As gay people, we get to choose our families, and you—you are my family,” the legendary drag performer RuPaul …
Hidden Truths behind the DR Congo’s Kasai Conflict
After a two-week disappearance in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo), the remains of United Nations…
Israeli-Levantine Tensions Reach Same Old Heights
Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad’s Alawite regime would not have survived the Sunni revolt that erupted in 2011…
THAAD: A Tale of Four Countries
Amidst western cacophony surrounding the rise of a new radical right in European elections, a new U.S. travel ban,…
2017 French Presidential Election: De Gaulle Would Not…
Since its beginnings, Charles de Gaulle's Fifth Republic has seen an alternating succession of mainstream…
Trump’s Attack on Government Funding of the Arts
President Trump announced his planned budget for the year 2018 to great fanfare a couple weeks ago. His cuts to the…
Islamophobia: George Orwell’s Missing Symptom
Conventional twenty-first century stereotypes on issues of national security hinge heavily on the image of a…
The Green Economy and What It Means for Global Economics
Climate change has recently dominated global affairs, as scientific studies have projected alarming and continual…
Tequila and Startups: Mexico’s Growing Tech Scene
When asked where the latest technological innovation blooms, many answer Silicon Valley. Much to the world’s…
In Defense of Citizen Diplomacy
On September 10th, 2001, a phone call between two high-priority Al-Qaeda operatives in Afghanistan was intercepted…
What Happened to Competition in Russia?
"Competitive authoritarian regimes competitive, in that democratic institutions are not merely a façade:…