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A Crisis in Two Parts: Mongolia’s Buddhism…
On Friday, November 18, 2016 the 14th Dalai Lama arrived in Ulan Bator to begin a four-day pastoral visit in…
Saudi Arabia and the Plight of the Arms Trade Treaty
Coalition airstrikes lead by Saudi Arabia in support of deposed President Hadi against Houthi rebels have caused an…
UN Israeli Settlement Resolution: Obama and Trump…
It appears that in the weeks preceding the inevitable onslaught of a Trump presidency, soon to be former President…
Israel’s Ethnic Cleansing of African Refugees: The…
July 15th, 2013 marked exactly 75 years to the day after the Evian conference of 1938, which was held in an attempt…
Canadian Complacency: Trudeau in the Trump Era
“We’re actually closer than friends. We’re more like siblings,” said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at a state…
The Rise of Reactionaries: An End to Ideological…
Seventeen years ago, the twenty-first century was given a rousing reception, seen as the harbinger of hopeful times…
German Security Policy at Stake: The “Culture of…
To many, the terrorist attack that took place in Berlin on 19 December 2016 gave basis to the growing feeling in…
The World Rings in a New Year of Uncertainty for the…
More than one year after the groundbreaking Paris Agreement, environmental protection as a policy issue remains…
Michelle Obama’s Legacy: A Global Advocate for Girls’…
As the Obamas get ready to leave the White House on January 20th, their legacy has become a topic of interest…
South America’s Role in the Global Shift to 100%…
Climate change is currently at the centre of international affairs, as rising global temperatures threaten…
The Phone Call that Shook the Sino-American Status Quo
On December 2, 2016, one of the largest breaks from conventional U.S. foreign policy shook the world in the form of…
Chinese Global Ambitions After the US Election
Global uncertainty has reached exceptional levels following the election of Donald Trump as president of the…