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Reasons and Risks of the Continuation of Capital…
For the last ten years, the United States has consistently ranked either fourth or fifth among countries with the…
The Amazon Rainforest: A Key to Our Future
Pipeline consciousness has become increasingly widespread on social media, but it’s time to address another…
Venezuelan Petrol: Black Gold or the Devil’s Excrement ?
“Ten years from now, 20 years from now, you will see oil will bring us ruin.” When former Venezuelan diplomat,…
Donald Trump: The Master of Debt and King of Hypocrisy
The post-Obama period will be crucial in terms of securing and consolidating the positive economic growth that has…
Desperation in Yemen: Houthi Government Complicates…
On November 28th, the Houthi rebels fighting the Yemeni government declared a government after twenty months of…
Again, The Centre Cannot Hold: The Italian Referendum
Five months ago, following the defeat of a referendum on which he had essentially staked his career, British PM…
The End of an Era: Can Trump and Brexit be Good for the…
2016 has been a historic year in the Western liberal political tradition. Events like the Brexit referendum in…
Canada and Cannabis: Unpacking National Marijuana…
Canada has long been regarded as a country that has been quite ahead of the curve when it comes to implementing…
Contagious Illiberalism: The Normalization of France’s…
Paris was well worth a mass in 1593. Is the Elysée palace worth the diffusion of illiberal discourses and a return…
Canadian Expats and Their Right to Vote
The world has never been more interconnected than it is today. Not only are goods traded across borders, but people…
Decoding Bill C-16: Does it Threaten Canadians’…
Although Dr. Peterson and his arguments are mentioned, this article’s purpose is to debate the validity of…
Is the Indian Demonetization Policy Any Good?
On November 8, 2016, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that 500- and 1000- rupee notes, which make…