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Crossing Arms: The Plight and Protest of the Oromo in…
Equity statement: Accurate information on African politics and culture is extremely difficult to attain. Western…
44 States, 86 Houses, 5923 Legislators, And Almost Zero…
Those political junkies like me anxious to see if America is marginally closer to a Trumpocalypse might find…
Italy’s Veto Threat and the Refugee Crisis
The Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi is currently threatening to veto the European Union budget if other EU…
Review’s Radio: The Economic Roots of Hungary’s…
Professor Juliet Johnson, McGill Director of the European Union Center of Excellence, executive member of…
Trump v. United States (2017): An Assault on Democracy
Last February, I authored a piece describing how anti-establishment rhetoric in the 2016 election primaries would…
In the Shadows of Mosul
On October 17th, Iraqi forces led the advance on Mosul to recapture the city that had fallen to the self-proclaimed…
Miloš Zeman: Pushing Czech Foreign Policy East
October 28th marked 98 years since the founding of Czechoslovakia. A national holiday in the Czech Republic, the…
Hostage to Theocracy
Zineb El Rhazoui is a Muslim Moroccan-born French journalist and sociologist of religion. As a columnist for…
An American Alliance in Confusion
This past week Rodrigo Duterte, the new president of the Philippines, made a state visit to Beijing where he gave a…
The Passing of the King: Thailand’s New Era
The recent passing of Thailand’s King Bhumibol Adulyadej has thrust the country into a period of mourning, leaving…
The Social Media Election
In the 2016 US Presidential election, it is clear that Facebook has become a major platform for political…