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‘Modi’fying Indian Foreign Policy
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has reoriented foreign policy to reflect his vision of a more active, assertive…
The Norwegian Wealth Fund’s Political Unity is…
The five million people of Norway are currently sitting on a great pile of cash thanks to their sovereign wealth…
Democracy Is Not For Sale: The TTIP and European Protest…
Launched in 2013, the negotiations of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the…
Iraq Leads the Charge in Seeking Justice: JASTA and its…
The passing of the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) in the US has caused international outcry by…
Turkey’s Military: On the Outs
Outside of Ankara, construction crews work to build new military headquarters far removed from their old location…
Trudeau: A One-Year Performance Analysis
Justin Trudeau was chosen as the Canadian Prime Minister on October 19, 2015. He started his term on a wave of…
French 2017 Elections: Terrorism, Prisons and Justice
At last, a consensus! Apparently, the republican candidates for the French primaries agree on one thing: the vital…
Netflix’s Narcos: America’s Cultural Imperialism…
Hollywood holds a monopoly over story telling in Disney movies, HBO specials, and now in Netflix original series…
The Costs of Killing: Targeted Drone Strikes
There's the occasional headliner that promises the game-changing targeted killing of important figures in…
Pence’s Serenity vs. Kaine’s Aggression: Who…
After a very fluctuating debate complete with myriad interruptions, it was evident that this battle for the vice…
Religion and Politics in Malaysia: A Possible National…
With a multi-ethnic and diversified population in terms of religion, the political systems in Malaysia are crucial…
Change is Necessary: Selection of the UN…
As we ring in the new year on the first day of 2017, a new Secretary-General of the United Nations will take over…