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A Turning Point for Militarization in Europe?
Has the Russo-Ukrainian war strengthened the European organizations in charge of promoting the peace which Vladimir…
An Artifact of Colonialism: The Canadian…
Thousands of Indigenous artifacts have been confiscated or coerced from Indigenous communities, and many more…
Calling Out the CRTC: Pushing for Change in the Canadian…
Given the trend of market consolidation in Canada, the CRTC should consider allowing a new wireless model to enter…
China Under the Spotlight: How the 2022 Winter Olympics…
Countries like Canada and the United States have expressed their discontent at China hosting the games. This comes…
China and Russia: A Complicated History
The relationship between China and Russia has a deep — and not always amicable — history. Their rapprochement in…
The New Nation: Bougainville’s Struggle for…
In 2027, the world will see the first newly independent country since South Sudan in 2011. Bougainville, an…
Cuban’s Cost Plus: Capitalism to the Rescue?
Americans pay more for prescription drugs than citizens in any other developed country. America's pharmaceutical…
War on Truth: Press Under Threat in Mexico
A recent spike in journalist murders in Mexico sheds light on a persistent issue of violence and impunity within…
Morocco and Algeria: The Widening Gap Between Two…
Morocco and Algeria's hostile relations have led to fears that a blunder could lead to an armed confrontation. Is…
Ethnic Diversity in China: A Strategic Tool?
The Beijing Olympics opening ceremony showcased China's ethnic diversity, but it is more than just a message of…
Les JO de Pékin, entre politique et polémiques
Ville-hôte des JO d'hiver 2022, Pékin a profité du feu des projecteurs pour tenter de projeter son ambition…
De Gaulle Majesté, Résistance Majuscule : le Chat Perché…
En France, la campagne présidentielle a vu fleurir les hommages au général de Gaulle. Les candidats se disputent…