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Captain Thomas Sankara: The Upright Revolutionary
Thomas Sankara showed that Africa could achieve remarkable growth and prosperity without foreign aid or…
Eyes on China: Beijing’s Response to the Ukraine…
Throughout history, Beijing has consistently aligned itself with Russia, especially in its efforts to…
A Women’s Revolution in Sudan
Despite violent military pushbacks, women once again are present at the protests. This time, women have brought…
L’Europe à l’épreuve des crises migratoires : Les…
L'arrivée de plusieurs millions de réfugiés ukrainiens sur son sol a contraint l'UE à se réinventer. Le caractère…
Opinion | The Failure of South Korea’s Democracy
Yoon Seok-youl — the candidate for the conservative PPP — was elected South Korea’s thirteenth president.
L’espoir irakien, victime de la pandémie?
En 2019, un sursaut populaire avait fait fleurir une lueur d’espoir en Irak. Comment ces sentiments ont-ils évolué?…
The War for Ukraine: Why Can’t the UN Intervene?
On April 5, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky delivered a stirring address to the UN Security Council,…
Inflation and its Politicization: Concerning Trends on…
The politicization of inflation goes beyond debating who is best suited to lead up the Federal Reserve or the…
Slow Integration in Quebec: An Immigrant Perspective
With issues like the language barrier, employment discrimination, and the non-recognition of foreign credentials,…
Safe Bet or Safety Risk? China’s Mixed…
Among the world’s deadliest, coal mines in China are reminiscent of an age gone by, with much of the globe…
A Turning Point for Militarization in Europe?
Has the Russo-Ukrainian war strengthened the European organizations in charge of promoting the peace which Vladimir…
An Artifact of Colonialism: The Canadian…
Thousands of Indigenous artifacts have been confiscated or coerced from Indigenous communities, and many more…