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MIR Meets: Freddie deBoer
Host Blaise Brosnan sits down with Substack writer and Marxist Freddie deBoer, to discuss the merits of…
La Hongrie, vilain petit canard de l’Europe
La Hongrie de Viktor Orban multiplie les lois controversées et embarrasse l'Union européenne qui semble avoir un…
Aux Antilles françaises, la crise sociale provoquée par…
Depuis le début du mois de novembre, la Guadeloupe et la Martinique sont le théâtre de violents mouvements de…
How COVID-19 Inflamed Canadian Regional Divides
Canadian federalism fails to incentivize political parties to act as a so-called “nationalizing agency” when it…
The Aftermath: Hong Kong’s ‘Patriots…
Host Andrew Xu sits down with Vivian Wang, a China correspondent for The New York Times. They discuss Hong Kong's…
Les think tanks néolibéraux : pourquoi penser ?
Une des forces du néolibéralisme est sa subtilité. Son idéologie se faufile partout, et se propage, entre autres,…
Enfants de la Creuse : L’humain face aux politiques du…
Voilà comment 2 150 enfants réunionnais furent récupérés par les services sociaux et amenés de force en France…
President Saied’s Coup: The Return of Dictatorship…
Tunisia, the birthplace of the Arab Spring, is the only democratic country in North Africa. With President Saied's…
Overcrowding at Rikers: A Tale of Two Americas
People can find themselves trapped by the American carceral system without even knowing the full consequences of a…
“The Rights of Man”: Patriarchal Citizenship…
In Nepal, patriarchal citizenship laws prevent women from conferring citizenship to children or spouses, treating…
Rethinking Long Distance Railway Transport in Canada
For too long, Canadian governments have promised to improve railway infrastructure and only now is the conversation…
Poland: One Foot Out the EU’s Door
The fact that Polexit is something being discussed in the media raises the question: did Poland’s membership in the…