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How Fictional Is Squid Game?
When considering both historical and present conditions in South Korea, it becomes clear that the show is providing…
Bras de fer au sommet : nouvelle guerre froide en…
Lors de son premier discours à l’Assemblée générale des Nations unies, en septembre dernier, Joe Biden a annoncé…
Everest’s Sherpas: Necessity and Ambition
Essential to any expedition in the region, Sherpas are crucial to a successful summit and the backbone of Nepal’s…
L’élection de Bolsonaro, le symptôme d’un…
L'élection de Jair Bolsonaro en 2018 a sans aucun doute contribué à l'exacerbation des tensions ethniques au…
La France restitue 26 trésors royaux pillés au Bénin un…
La France ne pouvait pas rester passive devant le fait que 95 % du patrimoine africain se situerait en dehors de…
L’Arabie saoudite après le pétrole : La Vision 2030 et…
L'Arabie saoudite est la 19e économie mondiale, mais sa dépendance au pétrole menace ses intérêts et ses ambitions.…
Celebrities, Felons, and Cronyism: What is Wrong With…
Given the current state of elections in the country, I cannot help but ask myself: what is wrong in the…
Brazil and Bolsonaro: Should We Fear Democratic…
"Crimes against humanity," degradation of democratic norms, and "Fora Bolsonaro" signs in the street... Let's take…
Four Scenarios for Canada’s Conservatives
The September 2021 elections marked the third consecutive electoral defeat for the Conservative Party of Canada. A…
Modern Day Slavery Under the Guise of Domestic Work: The…
Recruitment agencies had no obligation to bring workers home following cases of abuse. Instead, they encouraged…
An End-Of-War Declaration on the Korean Peninsula: Why…
South Korean President Moon Jae-in urges nations to come together to declare an end to the Korean War.
Kenya v. Somalia: Is the ICJ’s Legitimacy Collateral…
Kenya's blatant disregard for the ICJ's legally binding decision further contributes to the growing uncertainty…