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Looking into Europe’s Nuclear Divide
As European Union member states announce their net-zero plans, the EU Commission is yet to declare their stance on…
Opinion | What America Gets Wrong About Critical Race…
Discussions about structural racism and systemic oppression inspired by CRT have a rightful place in classrooms.…
Fear, Corruption, and Apathy: The Struggle for Nigerian…
Democracy survives when its voters believe and participate in the system. In Nigeria, the history of violence, lack…
Opinion: How Does the Film Industry Actually Change?
In order for things to change, we must simultaneously promote the stories and voices of women and minorities and…
A Local Stand For a Global Cause: The Targeting of…
This report is a harsh reminder that those fighting the climate crisis bear an enormously heavy burden of trying to…
Olympic Host City Hangover: Looming Legacies of Rio 2016…
Evocations of elite sport success and patriotism veil the social and environmental destruction marring the promises…
Dig Deeper: Social Welfare Policies in the US
Host Andrew Xu sits down with Marc Novicoff, who was the inaugural intern at Slow Boring. They discuss social…
Safe Injection and Legal Strife: Another Philadelphia…
Americans everywhere are divided about the establishment of safe injection sites in their neighbourhoods. However,…
Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan: A Gap Between Theory…
How the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan disproves the prediction made by the international committee and shows…
“Squid Game” and Human Rights: The Life of a…
As a migrant worker and visible minority, Ali Abdul's boss exploits him and Korean society treats him as a…
The Banning of ‘Sissy Boys’: A Push for the…
What China's new policy on effeminate male celebrities can tell us about the CCP's push for a return to…
Amazon in Tijuana: A Cause for Concern?
Many have interpreted the photos as a prime example of the unequally borne consequences of excess consumerism and…