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The Changing Landscape of Hollywood
TV continues to prove that its episodic narrative format can compete with traditional cinema and thrive with the…
Mask Hysteria: The Delta Variant and Vaccine Hesitancy…
The Delta variant is a new strain of the SARS-COV-2 virus that has come to infamy through its spread throughout the…
Spotlight: Adin Chan on Ontario’s Highway 413 and…
To cap off the 2020-2021 publishing year, host Naomi Shi sits down with Adin Chan, the MIR Writer of the Week. They…
On the Frontier Once More: The “Vancouver…
While existing drug policy has clearly failed to prevent or resolve the ongoing crisis, a flawed decriminalization…
Costa Rica’s Caribbean Coast: Unpacking Afro-Costa Rican…
Through local anecdotes and an interview with expert Dr. Natasha Gordon-Chipembere, Afro-Costa Rican identity is…
Ethiopia’s Humanitarian Crisis: How Nobel Peace Prize…
A year after his appointment as Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Abiy Ahmed Ali was awarded the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize…
Sapporo’s Marriage Equality Ruling: A Beacon of Hope for…
In choosing to rule in favour of the plaintiffs, the Sapporo District Court is signalling that while the…
Bosnia: A Country Haunted by Nationalism
When I visited Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2019, I hoped to see a country that rebuilt interethnic ties. Instead, I…
Checking In on the Magnificent Seven
With the increasingly globalized nature of the world, inter-state collaboration is now more central than ever for…
The Pandemic Has Exposed Canada to More Than Just a…
A crisis of such magnitude as COVID-19 can highlight the imperfections of the Canadian federal-provincial…
Chile at a Crossroads
The Chilean Constitutional Convention presents a chance for the nation to re-legitimize its legislation and provide…
MIR Meets: Matt Continetti
Host Andrew Xu sits down with Matt Continetti, a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and…