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L’Épopée du Canal de Suez
« Un jour, on était arrivé à une ville appelée Port-Saïd. Tous les pavillons d’Europe flottaient dessus au bout de…
North Korea’s Nuclear Capabilities: An Enduring Foreign…
The United States has yet to adopt a foreign policy stance towards North Korea that has led to a lasting agreement…
Biden-Poutine : première épreuve de force
Une escalade des tensions aux frontières russo-ukrainiennes pourrait donner à Biden l’opportunité qu’il cherche…
Women’s Hard-Won Rights Are Under Legislative Threat
Despite a few exceptions, 2021 to date has been a year of legislative backlash to women’s rights, repealing many of…
Hostage Diplomacy: The Canada-China Prisoner’s…
Over two years later, the Huawei executive and the two Michaels remain stranded in ongoing legal proceedings in one…
Le capharnaüm libanais
L’incapacité du système judiciaire à expliquer les circonstances précises du drame et le manque de transparence…
Japan’s Nuclear Question: The Impossible…
It seems that nuclear power production, while extremely beneficial if handled properly, is nearly impossible to…
The State of the Unions: What the Bessemer Union Drive…
While the Bessemer union drive signified a potential turning point for organized labour in the US, Amazon’s robust…
COVID-19 and Racial Capitalism
The McGill International Review is pleased to present this article by Queen's University student Megan Seiroka as a…
“Magic Mushrooms”: New Hopes in Mental…
In August 2020, Federal Minister of Health Patty Hadju approved the usage of psilocybin, also known as magic…
The Cartel and the Avocado
Embracing traditional indigenous staple foods has caused higher prices, lower supply, decreased crop diversity, and…
Haves and Have Nots: Vaccine Passports Come with…
Vaccine passports might be inevitable, but governments and corporations should be wary of them fostering massive…