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Tsai Ing-Wen’s Political Dilemma Between Beijing…
While the world is focusing on rejuvenating their economies and handling COVID-19, Taiwanese leader Tsai Ing-wen's…
Nostalgia Nationalism: Twisting the Image of the Past…
“Anemoia” is nostalgia for a time you’ve never known. While often used to describe the odd feeling you get when you…
Justice in Colombia: A Delicate Balancing Act
The divided response in the court's ruling has magnified the rifts and cracks of a transitional justice system…
Olympic Boycotts: Counterproductive or Moral Necessity?
Increased tensions with Western countries and recent revelations about the persecution of China’s Uyghur population…
Bill C-21: Can Trudeau Solve Canada’s Handgun Problem?
In 2018, 31 per cent of all murders in Canada were by firearms, versus 18.2 per cent in Australia and 10 per cent…
Mind the Gap: The Role of Gender Norms in Recruitment
Women are judged by employers and society based on standards of femininity and domesticity that they internalize…
The US and Saudi’s strategic alliance: Why the Biden…
The pressure to impose sanctions upon the crown prince is at odds with the two countries' vital bilateral…
Is It Time to End the United States’…
Nearing two decades of involvement in Afghanistan, the American government is increasingly deliberating over what…
Ontario’s Highway 413: Another Dose of North America’s…
Ontario’s Progressive Conservative government is inexplicably pursuing destructive urban design principles that…
A Great Escape from the City
COVID-19 has catalyzed migration out of cities, though the trend seems to have been building for decades. For…
Maintaining Democracy: At What Cost?
While incumbent President Yoweri Museveni's team was preparing for his record, yet controversial, 5th win,…
What Would Proportional Representation look like in the…
Political polarization is at its worst in the United States since the Civil War. This polarization, among many…