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Sexual Violence: A Weapon of War in the DRC
In the DRC, especially within armed groups and government military troops, it is seen as an inherent part of the…
Vaccine Hesitancy to Hypocrisy: How the EU Shot itself…
As AstraZeneca doses sit un-administered, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen seized opportunity to…
Les femmes dans les maras : victimes consentantes d’un…
Les maras sont des espaces sociaux marginalisés et meurtriers qui exacerbent et perpétuent les violences machistes…
Joe Biden: The Promised Immigration Saviour?
While many Americans remain hopeful that the border shelter situation is not an early indicator that President…
Climate Change in the Developing World: The Drowning of…
Often called the world’s fastest sinking city, Jakarta - Indonesia’s capital and most populated urban area - sinks…
De La Liberté
« La liberté nous la chérissons; l’égalité, nous la garantissons; la fraternité, nous la vivons avec intensité.…
“Anti-Social” Capital: COVID-19 and the Future of…
When COVID-19 crossed China’s borders — or even before that, when it was just a whisper I heard from my Wuhanese…
Aba Diktati: Haiti’s Unfinished Democratic Project
While statements from the United Nations and the Organization of American States focus on the ongoing…
Le grand froid au Texas : des coupures d’électricité à…
Face au grand froid historique, le Texas a sombré dans une crise sans précédent ou presque. Bien que les vents…
The Bangladesh Liberation War: A Forgotten Question of…
The 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War has largely slipped out of public awareness, and the events which occurred still…
Blood on the Shelves: The High Cost of Palm Oil and the…
Today's colonial resource exploitation masquerades itself in western markets as a healthy alternative to…
Oh No, O’Toole: A Crisis Looming for the Tories?
O’Toole’s inability to forge out a clear strategy, inept handling of various crises, and oscillation between…