Browsing Category
Dual Circulation: China’s New Five-Year Plan and…
In its new five-year plan, the Communist Party of China has outlined a plan for “dual circulation” in which China…
Un nouvel accord de cessez-le-feu en Libye : a-t-on…
Dans un territoire où la tendance historique est à la violation des cessez-le-feu, le nouvel accord, bien que…
Au Pérou, il faut imaginer Sisyphe exaspéré
La crise politique traversée par le Pérou ces dernières semaines a cristallisé les années de frustration d’une…
What Islamic Extremism Says About French Secularism and…
France's recent terrorist attacks highlight the controversy surrounding freedom of expression and freedom of…
Political Distancing: Canada’s Role in the Yemeni…
As negotiations between Yemen, their allies, and the UN continue, the Security Council’s investigation into…
À la rencontre de l’American Dream
Cet esprit de communauté et solidarité, unique à la ville de Houston, est pour Vera ce qui fait basculer le…
A Tale of Race in Two Nations
Despite systemic racism being a considerable issue in both France and the US, the dialogue around the subject of…
From 4chan to Instagram: How QAnon Became Mainstream
QAnon is constantly evolving: while Q-like figures themselves have somewhat been forgotten and many of their…
Cost of Normality: Mongolia’s Stranded Citizens…
Closed borders have locked thousands of Mongolian citizens out of their homes, and the return trip isn't easy.
A Delicate Balancing Act at the Heart of Central Asia
Kazakhstan’s position is a complicated one. The country’s ruling elites are attaching themselves to China’s rising…
Working as an OB-GYN under China’s One-Child…
After a first child, women were obliged to have an intrauterine device inserted. After a second child, it was…
The Case for a Nordic Federation
"The deep historical, linguistic, and cultural roots shared in the Nordic region, coupled with the countries…