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Outsourcing War: Mercenaries as a Foreign Policy Tool
While the use of mercenaries is a conventional practice, its proliferation is nevertheless a cause for concern. By…
COVID-19 is Directly Increasing the Risk of Female…
In uncertainty and crisis, women and girls often get hurt. COVID-19 is no exception.
Children of the Bad Revolution: Thailand and the Call…
The Free Youth Movement breathed new life into the protests on July 18, 2020, with a massive street demonstration…
Populism, Progressivism, and the Presidency: The…
Populism has deep roots in American politics that stretch back more than a hundred years. Populist efforts in the…
Cihan Erdal and the Fight for a Democratic Progressive…
Cihan has become one of the many innocent victims caught in the crossfire of the battle between Turkey’s incumbent…
Where Does Fracking Fit in Biden’s Big Tent Campaign?
While Biden’s pledge to “Buy American” seems less brash than Trump’s commitment to put “America First,”…
How COVID-19 Is Worsening the Crisis in Yemen
Today, amidst the worldwide outbreaks of COVID-19, Yemen is not solely battling against one crisis anymore, but…
Effective Peace Solution on Hold as Foreign Actors…
In the next few months, there may be a new prime minister in Tripoli or a new leader of the LNA, but regardless of…
Zéro émission de carbone d’ici 2060 : la Chine…
« Le 22 septembre dernier, lors du débat général de la 75e session de l’assemblée générale de l’ONU, la Chine a…
Trump’s Refusal To Respect Election Results Is a…
If Trump loses the election in November, what follows may put America’s democratic safeguards to the test. Trump’s…
Responsabilité d’État : Le scandale persistant du…
Utilisé massivement en Martinique de 1972 à 1993, le chlordécone – un pesticide endocrinien ultra-toxique – est,…
A Court Divided: The Fallout of RBG’s Death
At a time when civil unrest and political division are skyrocketing in the United States, the death of Justice Ruth…