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The Right Perspective: How Republican Youth May Be the…
Young Republicans are becoming increasingly central to achieving a political middle ground between left-wing and…
Growling Discontent: The Anti-Casteism of the Dalit…
“We must uproot the varna system, the caste system that enslaves us in its snares. The soil in which it survives…
Opinion | The Confederate Ghost Whispers to Evangelicals
Of the relationship between some denominations of evangelicals and the Republican Party, Staff Writer Jonah Fried…
Gay and Afraid: What South Korea Taught Us About the…
Having established the consequences of compulsory contact tracing on the LGBTQ+ community in South Korea, is this a…
Long-Term Care: A Lost Sibling of the Canadian…
Many Canadian know that long-term care facilities are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 for reasons besides their…
Another Goal in Mind: “Sportswashing” in…
Governments have always attempted to repurpose public sporting enthusiasm for their political gain. Sportswashing…
Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot? Anglo-Scottish…
If the United Kingdom is to prosper and indeed be preserved, decisive action must be taken to create a new form of…
Taking the “Red Pill” is Not Cool
While calling the regulations “fascist” may be easy to do, they fail to take into account the bleak reality…
Debt, Masks, and Tech: Why COVID-19 Won’t Mean the End…
China is proving that it will not allow COVID-19 to bring its economy to a standstill. With President Xi’s playbook…
Why Canada Needs an Indigenous-Specific COVID-19 Policy
Canada needs a COVID-19 strategy tailored to the needs and unique vulnerabilities of First Nations communities,…
Même au Québec
Le Premier ministre Legault avançait cette semaine en conférence de presse que bien qu’il existe du racisme et de…
Unfolding Michael Bloomberg’s Meme Campaign
Michael Bloomberg, who suspended his 2020 Democratic presidential nomination campaign on March 3, spent nearly 600…