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A Nice Day Out
As two European exchange students, we decided to take a day trip to McGill’s Mac campus on a day that promised…
The Politics of Womanhood: An interview with Stephanie…
In this series, MIR Podcaster Rebecca Sideras, speaks to influential women about how they navigate political…
Review Radio: Revisiting the Arab Spring
So often we learn about mass movements and revolutions from a top-down perspective and rarely do we hear from…
Érosion de l’État de droit en Europe de l’Est : les…
Pour mettre un terme à cet opportunisme économique grandissant de la part de certains pays membres et asseoir sa…
US Elections Podcast Series: Can Anyone Stop Bernie…
Bernie Sanders has officially won the popular vote in the first three contests of the Democratic Primaries. Is…
Reconciling Defence and Development in Canada’s North
Improving Canada’s Northern policy could prove to kill two birds with one stone: helping both to improve daily life…
America: A Suffocating Democracy
The United States, a model plutocracy! (Originally published in French on February 13, 2020).
A Canadian Take on the Democratic Primaries
Canadian and American democracies are fundamentally different, but these differences extend far beyond our…
Crisis and Continuation: India’s Citizenship Amendment…
Although analysts have remarked that the international community’s tepid response to India’s ongoing citizenship…
Once Power, Now Peril? The Legacy of Protests in Iran
The current regime would do well to remember that ignoring the needs of the citizens in favour of ideological…
Opinion | Cyclical Poverty and Class Solidarity in Bong…
Bong's cinematography is famous for condemning capitalism while portraying layers of vulnerability and…
Mask Hysteria: Containment (Ep.2)
With panic and hysteria creeping in, the economic and geopolitical consequences of the coronavirus outbreak have…