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Revisiting the 2012 Quebec Student Strike
The 2012 student strike brought young people together and sparked engagement in politics at all levels. There are…
MIR Meets: David French
Host Andrew Xu sits down with David French, a columnist for The New York Times. They discuss the potential dangers…
“Making My Own Name”: Taylor Swift’s Trouble with…
Although Taylor Swift has been deemed a feminist icon in popular culture, her expression of feminism remains…
Is Cultural Commodification A By-Product of Backpacker…
The intricate relationship between the phenomenon of cultural commodification and the history of global tourism but…
“Sometimes I Think the Whole World’s Gone Crazy”: The…
Grime is a grassroots genre that many understand to be a form of English folk music, expressing the identity and…
New Zealand’s Tribunals are a Model for Canadian…
An independent tribunal to handle land claims may be the path forward for reconciliation in Canada.
MIR Meets: Robert Wright
Host Blaise Brosnan sits down with Substack writer and podcast host Robert Wright, to discuss the concept of…
Dollarisation en Argentine : Panacée Économique ou Pari…
Il existe un vieux dicton parmi les économistes : « Tout au long de l'histoire, il n'y a eu que quatre types…
Forgotten Surrogate Mothers: The Unresolved Issues in…
The surrogacy industry exploits financially vulnerable surrogate mothers, raising ethical concerns due to a lack of…
La Guerre Froide 2.0? Nouveaux Acteurs, Défis de la…
La possibilité d'une nouvelle Guerre Froide se dessine, explorée lors d'une récente table ronde à l’Université…
A Traumatic Reckoning: The Indigenous Relationship with…
Religious institutions play a critical role in shaping the nation’s identity and can aid Canada in correcting its…
Walking the Line of Justice and Stability: East Timor…
East Timor is a nation that runs on democratic principles and maintains that justice should be considered a…