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Medicare For All: A Double-Edged Sword
There are a variety of ways to achieve a universal healthcare system in America, and Medicare-for-All is not…
Is Colombian Peace under Threat?
While the state’s role in the peace process is controversial due to its very involvement in the conflict, the state…
Regional Power and Peacebuilding in Afghanistan
Editors Note: The views expressed in this article is not representative of the opinions of the McGill International…
Evo Morales : de président bolivien héroïque à figure…
À l’encontre d’autres dirigeants latino-américains à tendance autoritaire, Evo Morales a gouverné son pays par le…
Latin America’s Electoral Turn Towards Populism
As five Latin American countries head to the polls in the upcoming months, it is important to acknowledge the…
Female Activists: Much More than Victims
Coupled with their inherent vulnerability as human rights defenders, the fact that they are women has deceived…
L’Argentine en mauvaise posture face à une crise…
Inflation débordante, dévaluation vertigineuse du peso, pauvreté englobante, et chômage en hausse, la situation…
The Pursuit of Justice in Chechnya: An Arduous Endeavour
Human rights in Russia is a domain that has seldom received international appraisal under Vladimir Putin’s rule.…
Decolonization and Chagos: An Unfinished Story
For the first time in almost half a decade, members of the Chagossian community can bask in the warmth of hope.…
Sierra Leone Tells Perpetrators “Hands Off Our…
President Maada Bio’s national emergency declaration was unprecedented and it remains to be seen whether anything…
Jeremy Corbyn: An Unsatisfactory Alternative
As the UK keeps falling down the Brexit rabbit hole, Jeremy Corbyn is doing nothing to help. His lack of leadership…
“Roe c. Wade” au bord du gouffre ?
Le 29 mars dernier, les députés de l’État de Géorgie ont voté favorablement la “heartbeat bill”: la loi la plus…