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Les Nouvelles Routes de la Soie en Afrique: Partenariat…
Dans un échiquier géopolitique mondial, la Chine redessine les Routes de la Soie, tissant des liens économiques et…
Shiny Happy People: The Rise and Fall of the Duggar…
The docuseries Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets tells the story of the Duggars in a darker light,…
Lights, Camera, Censorship: Turkey’s Film Festival…
The duality of cinema as both art and information complicates legalized censorship restrictions, as is revealed in…
Grève des United Automobile Workers: le début d’une…
Le 15 septembre, les dirigeants du United Automobile Workers (UAW) ont annoncé le début d’une grève syndicale. Le…
Review Radio: Poles at the Polls
Host Zalan Teodor Gaspar sits down with Wojciech Przybylski and Agnieszka Homańska of Visegrad Insight to discuss…
Best Road Forward: How can Argentina Manage its Economic…
Whilst trade with Brazil would ensure a source of income for Argentine firms, complications have arisen around how…
The Archipelago’s Ascent: Indonesia Waiting in the…
As Indonesia approaches a pivotal moment in its history, the choices it makes will shape not only its future but…
À la Mode: Paris Fashion Week 2023
Fashion week can be worth it, but only if it is a driver of change throughout the entire fashion industry.
Javier Milei: The Presidential Candidate that Has…
As Argentina awaits its general election on October 22nd, a presidential candidate is already sending shockwaves…
Racialization in a Multicultural Nation: Experiences of…
My lived experience of growing up in small-town Canada as a racialized migrant helped me understand the theoretical…
Dig Deeper: Conservative Factions in the US and Canada
Host Zalan Teodor Gaspar sits down with Henry Olsen, a columnist for The Washington Post and a senior fellow at the…
Le rapport au corps noir dans les Amériques (seconde…
L’émancipation du corps noir en Amérique, sa reconnaissance et sa dignité restituée constituent un objet central…