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Airtm: A P2P Solution for Hyperinflation Ravaged…
In the 1950s, Venezuela was the wealthiest country in Latin America thanks to it having the world's largest oil…
The Chongryon: North Korea’s Ethnic Enclave in…
Japan does not maintain formal diplomatic relations with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea , and when they…
The Senate Rules are Broken: Why don’t Democrats…
The minutiae of Senate procedure is rarely a key platform for presidential candidates. Generally, those running for…
2018 Saw Influential Women Targeted in Iraq
A four-month period in 2018 saw a series of murders in Iraq from which a significant pattern emerged. The victims…
What does the Future Hold for Turkish Civil Society?
Writing in Turkey has become a difficult task. Most of the sincere journalists have been arrested and put on trial…
The Frozen Frontier: Climate Change Attracting Global…
The trajectory of events around the North Pole may be uncertain but with market forces and geopolitical strategy at…
America’s Democracy Problem
Mr. Trump and his campaign team may well have committed crimes on their way to the West Wing, and they should be…
Op-ed: Farewell to Golan
This afternoon, President Trump announced that the United States would be formally recognizing Israel’s claims to…
Not a Curse, Just Bad Economic Policy
The recent escalation of Venezuela’s political and economic crisis has sparked vibrant discussion on the origins of…
Ukraine’s Presidential Election, Explained
This year, Ukraine’s tumultuous polity will be shaken once again as the country heads to the polls: March 31st will…
Canada’s Unique Private Sponsorship Program for…
The past 40 years have seen other refugee crises come and go in many other countries, but the way in which Canada…
Why isn’t China getting younger?
China's move from the "one-child policy" to the "two-child policy" was supposed to encourage higher birth rate in…