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On Space and Space Law
From private exploration to Mars colonization, how can international space law work hand-in-hand with technological…
Editor’s Desk: The End of Internet Innovation
Quietly buried amongst the inflammatory headlines that have become so emblematic of Trump’s America, Ajit Pai, head…
Banking without a Central Bank
Until a few years ago, cryptocurrency was a fringe concept embraced by the savvy few, with little…
The Policy Prognosis for AI: Winner of the SSUNS 2017…
Prompt: What are the political implications of artificial intelligence technology and how should policy…
India’s Healthcare Paradox
Recent months of this year have revealed a grim reality of the Indian healthcare system. In August and September of…
Sustainability: More than Just an Environmental Issue
Editor's Note: This article is the first of a series on sustainability by Kara Anderson. Later on, we examine…
How SpaceX Is Driving Space Development and Innovation
SpaceX has been all over the news lately regarding its mission to Mars and its unprecedented ability to land and…
Why Facebook Took So Long to Identify Russian Ads
On September 6, Facebook finally admitted to finding evidence pointing to Russian meddling on its platform to…
Legality and Security: Where Humans and Machines…
Editor's Note: This article is the fourth of Kara Anderson’s ongoing series on contemporary…
Africa’s Fintech Revolution
Technological hubs and startup revolutions are rarely discussed in the context of development. In Africa, however,…
What Drives the Fatal AIDS Resurgence in Central and…
On the 23rd of July 2017, the International Aids Society (IAS) gathered in Paris to review the AIDS pandemic’s…
A Non-Political Solution to Global Healthcare
This article is the third of Kara Anderson's ongoing series on contemporary artificial intelligence and its…