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Terrorism Goes Viral
Unfortunately, terrorism is far from a new phenomenon, and it does not seem to be a passing occurrence. The harsh…
Mom was Right: Creativity Matters
This article is the second of a multi-part series on contemporary artificial intelligence and its implications for…
Net Neutrality: Merely a First-World Problem?
Life on the internet has become the new norm. We shop, socialise, and learn (to name a few things) online. The…
Big Pharma: Ignoring Needs, Following Profits
The United States is home to the largest pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries in the world and has some…
Unchaining the Mind through AI: What Artificial…
This article is the first of a multi-part series by Kara Anderson exploring contemporary artificial intelligence…
Alternative Methods to Counter Alternative Facts: How…
Big data is non-political. It does not sit on the right or left of any spectrum, discuss racism, anti-semitism or…
Geo-engineering and Our Uncertain Future
It is probable that, in an attempt to counteract the effects of global warming, humanity will deliberately engage…
The Deep and Dark Web of International Politics
The Internet is an ubiquitous entity. It dominates the lives and practices of many. The birth of the World Wide Web…
The End of Life As We Know It
On September 14, 1930, the first dust storm traversed the Southern Plains, wandering through southwest Kansas and…
Cameroon’s Internet Shutdown: A Violation of Free…
On January 17th, Internet services in the southwest, and northwest regions of Cameroon were shut down. While it has…
Science’s March on Washington
Recently in the United States, legislation has been proposed in a number of states targeting the established…
Is Philanthrocapitalism the Answer to Climate Change?
On December 11, 2016, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates announced the launch of Breakthrough Energy Ventures (BEV), a…