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Artificial Intelligence and Job Security
In January 2017, Fukoku Mutual Life Insurance, a life insurance company based in Japan, has announced plans to…
Facebook and Fake News in the 2016 Election
As Americans reflect on the 2016 election, many left-leaning voters are pointing a finger at Facebook, condemning…
Dr. Ram Jakhu and the Meteoric Rise of Air and Space Law
We sat down with Dr. Ram Jakhu, the director of McGill University's world-leading Institute of Air and Space Law,…
The Social Media Election
In the 2016 US Presidential election, it is clear that Facebook has become a major platform for political…
The Fourth Industrial Revolution: The Future of AI,…
Genuine concern about the prospect of artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer confined to the dinner…
The Road to the Future
On September 19th, the United States government released new guidelines for self-driving cars in an attempt to make…
Social Media and IR: Reconsidering Liberalism
Following November’s article about social media as a political tool and its position in a realist interpretation of…