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Cuban’s Cost Plus: Capitalism to the Rescue?
Americans pay more for prescription drugs than citizens in any other developed country. America's pharmaceutical…
Un dollar digital, modernité ou dystopie?
Notre monde est de plus en plus digital; il semble donc logique que des monnaies telles que le dollar suivent cette…
Sustainable Agriculture: A Question of Land Use
As the world population continues to grow and resource scarcity becomes increasingly pronounced, there has never…
Bezos in Space: The Underwhelming Reality of Space…
The average human is nowhere near able to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to reach suborbit — something Musk…
Review Radio: The Golden Globes Controversy
Host Andrew Wei sits down with Los Angeles Times reporters Stacy Perman and Josh Rottenberg. They discuss the…
Opinion | A Love Letter to the Internet
Wordle is specifically designed to use only three to five minutes of your day, offering no additional levels or…
The End of an Era: Why Hollywood as We Know It Is Over
Whatever the case may be, the resounding consensus is that Hollywood as we know it is no longer functioning in the…
Du Féodalisme au Libéralisme : la transition d’une…
En 1353, la Peste Noire marquait la fin du régime féodal. À l’instar du XIVème siècle, la pandémie du COVID-19 au…
Facebook Papers : jusqu’à quand la toute puissance…
Régis par les lois du marché, et faiblement contraints par la régulation, les géants du numérique représentent une…
L’art sur le marché : admirer ou encaisser?
Depuis le début de l’année 2021, le nombre de NFT a augmenté de 12 000%, et nombreux sont les individus à y…
Dystopia Is Here: Why You Should Fear the Metaverse
The threat of the Metaverse extends beyond those currently posed by Facebook: it is a threat of complete control of…
Amazon in Tijuana: A Cause for Concern?
Many have interpreted the photos as a prime example of the unequally borne consequences of excess consumerism and…