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An “Infodemic” of Disinformation Spreading…
Individuals who believe in disinformation may risk not only their lives but the lives of others. Critics have…
The Return of Anonymous and the Future of Online…
Anonymous, the "hacktivist" collective prominent in the 2010s, has reemerged in the wake of the protests against…
Democracy Post-Pandemic: Big Tech’s Growing Hold…
For many North American politicians, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic calls to envision a frictionless, digitalized…
Gay and Afraid: What South Korea Taught Us About the…
Having established the consequences of compulsory contact tracing on the LGBTQ+ community in South Korea, is this a…
Taking the “Red Pill” is Not Cool
While calling the regulations “fascist” may be easy to do, they fail to take into account the bleak reality…
Unfolding Michael Bloomberg’s Meme Campaign
Michael Bloomberg, who suspended his 2020 Democratic presidential nomination campaign on March 3, spent nearly 600…
Part 2: The Future of Data Privacy
In our modern world of digital commerce, the global nature of the Internet undermines much of the power of…
Part 1: The Digital Wild West
Although the lack of stringent regulation has allowed innovation to run rampant, unregulated use of advanced…
Cryptocurrencies’ Hidden Cost: The Danger of Blockchain…
Bitcoin developers have cast their program as an outstretched hand reaching the world’s underdeveloped populations,…
How to Escape Our Technology-Induced Trance
A fascinating conversation with Professor Samuele Collu of McGill University’s Anthropology Department on our use…
The Ethical Dimension of Artificial Intelligence
Sara Parker and Tilila Bakrim attended the RE-WORK Deep Learning and Responsible AI Summit on October 24 to 25 in…
Unmasking the Alt-Right: Real-World Implications of a…
We have seen too often that radicalization in the virtual world can lead to real-world violence; we have seen…