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Unmasking the Alt-Right: the Psychology Behind Online…
In the face of a reality where an everyday tool is also the perfect weapon for hate-mongers to radicalize and…
Facebook’s Fight Over Free Speech
Although Warren and Zuckerberg differ in their stances on protected speech, both coalesce around the same goal of…
Do (or Should) Companies Value ‘Freedom’…
Apple, Blizzard, Google etc. are just a few of many American companies whose recent decisions to maintain access to…
Huawei 5G: Trapped in an Olive Branch
An olive branch does not exist if one is forced to accept the offering. And in many ways, the US is forced to…
Undersea Espionage: Who Owns Underwater Internet Cables?
Information is precious to us all, so we ought to take steps to protect it, whether it be from foreign government…
Sharing, Caring, and Praying For Sudan in the Twitter…
Although Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter provided a global audience for the people of Sudan, this did not…
Is Canada Falling Behind When it Comes to Ethical AI?
The European Union recently unveiled a set of guidelines aimed at the ethical regulation of artificial intelligence…
Social Media Censorship on the Rise in the U.S. and…
Following Facebook's announcement that it would crack down on "dangerous" users and content, the debate surrounding…
Why the Digital Age Needs Basic Income
A few weeks ago, I wrote a column on economic populism and attempted to describe why the dogma is surgically…
Huawei: Bien Plus Qu’Une Simple Controverse
Récemment, la multinationale chinoise Huawei a été impliquée dans une série d’affaires internationales ponctuée de…
A Closer Look at the Data: Testicular Cancer
Movember is an annual event that takes place during November to raise awareness and support for issues related to…
From Backpage to the Back Streets
On April 11th, the Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act and Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act (known collectively as…