Three C’s: Chafee, Carson, and Canvassing

I apologize for my absence – something came up right as I was about to post this past Sunday so I missed my Weekly Roundup post! But that’s alright, we’ll move on.
After it was recently revealed from Federal Election Commission receipts that he only raised $15,457 from July to September, Lincoln Chafee has predictably dropped out of the race to become the Democratic nominee. Poor guy, I actually feel bad for him. Perhaps in a different universe he would have had a chance but with candidates like Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, it was a lost cause from the get-go. Chafee had been polling at under 1% for months. Check out this clip from Conan O’Brien from a couple of months ago, entitled “Let’s Get Lincoln Chafee To 1%!”
Moving over to the Republicans, it appears, according to CBS New/New York Times that Ben Carson is “trumping” Donald Trump in the polls (like my joke?). This is still horrifying, considering Ben Carson’s recent statements, ranging from his comparison of abortion to slavery to stating that Jewish people would have avoided the Holocaust had there not been gun control. So yeah, Carson is not particularly better than Trump. My father recently said to me “Ben Carson is proof that it doesn’t take a genius to be a neurosurgeon.” Hi Dad, sorry if you didn’t want that quote on the internet.
Tomorrow is the 3rd Republican debate. This time we will be watching our favorite Republican comedians yell at each other from the University of Colorado Boulder starting at 8pm. Check out this article from Vox beforehand to get caught up on all of their shenanigans!
One more thing: With my friend Mark LeBeau, I have started McGill Students for Hillary Clinton. We will be organizing lots of events and campaign activities but in the meantime, some friends of ours are organizing a canvassing trip to New Hampshire from November 20th-22nd. Housing and transportation will be provided by the Clinton campaign. Please contact [email protected] for more information or to express your interest.
With 377 days until the election,
Phoebe Warren